Working Remotely and Options Available to Businesses Affected by the Virus

Business News 3 min read

We are on uncharted waters with this pandemic that has affected us on a global scale.

The consequences are severe for not only the health of the public but also for businesses that have been disrupted. With a lot of the world on lockdown, businesses have to adapt to the current circumstances.

"Everyone who can work from home should work from home" - William Hanage (Harvard epidemiologist)

Working remotely has become a necessary option for businesses to protect their employees and ultimately take part in reducing the spread of the COVID-19.

Working remotely
Source: Working from home

Working from home has become popular in the last few weeks. Many think this will hinder the overall productivity of businesses, and they are not completely wrong. If a business doesn't take the necessary steps going into working remotely, it has the potential to reduce efficiency dramatically or even more severe consequences.

We came prepared

But working remotely isn't entirely new, it's been around for a while. More and more businesses have been utilising the Work-from-home scheme way before the Coronavirus issue. This means we have been prepared to work remotely all this time. We just didn't imagine it would be for such extreme circumstances like a pandemic.

There are options available to businesses to work remotely, and a lot of it has been available for some time now.

Make the best of the situation

The best course of action right now is to work from home, but that doesn't mean your business has to completely close up shop. Many are restricted with the new regulations put in place, but they are making the best of their situation.

Since being forced to close, restaurants will now have to offer takeaway as their main driver of sales. This means taking advantage of delivery apps, such as Uber Eats and DeliveryRoo. These apps offer free delivery for the majority of the restaurants in support of them.

Gyms and personal trainers now offer virtual workouts to their members as a part of providing their services and keeping their members active.

Online fitness
Source: Online fitness

Universities have moved to an online-only scheme, with lectures being live-streamed and tutorials held in zoom. This is their way of keeping students engaged with the content.

The Actors Fund is now hosting a live-streamed miniature Broadway show for their stars at home. This will be free as a way of raising funds and allowing their performers to stay creative.

With the majority of the world working remotely and at home, there is always a way to interact with your clientele and keep the ball rolling.

Communication is key

Now I'm sure you've heard that phrase more than a few times before, but it really is during this unprecedented time.

Communicating online has never been easier, but doing it effectively is hard.

Virtual Collaboration
Source: Virtual Collaboration

Make sure you get familiar with the tools available and take advantage of them for your business. Use them to engage with customers or as a collaborative tool for your team.

Most importantly, learn with your team to avoid any technical complications down the line. Communicating is a skill and the only way to get better at it is by practicing.

Business as usual

Here at Fonseka Innovations, we take this matter very seriously and doing all we can to take our part in reducing the spread of COVID-19. Our team is working from home, and carrying on about our day-to-day business online. We will continue to serve you online to help you grow your business. We are using familiar tools to communicate and collaborate every day.

Fonseka Innovations
working remotely working from home communication strategy online business covid-19