Instagram Reels: A New TikTok?

Business 2 min read
Instagram Reels
Instagram Reels

Instagram recently released their newest venture, Instagram Reels. Some might say they are bringing this out due to the current TikTok news, others might say that this is just Instagram trying out a new feature.

Let’s have a closer look!

What are Instagram Reels?

Very much like TikTok, Instagram Reels are 15-second videos that are recorded and edited on Instagram. With audio, effects and creative tools, users can share their reels to their followers.

Those with public accounts, a user can make them available in the Explore space. So, this gives the opportunity for public accounts to reach a wider audience.

How to use it?

How to use Instagram Reels

Want to create your first Instagram Reel?

Camera Features

Open the Instagram Camera and select ‘Reels’ on the bottom of the screen. For those that want to include audio, you can click the Audio button on the left and search for a song you wish to play in the background of your Reel.

Instagram Reels also allow the user to select the speed that they want to record in. From 0.3x to 3x speeds, giving the user the opportunity to stay on a beat or make slow-motion videos.

The effects feature is the same feature as the story camera. Users can scroll through thousands of effects and apply it to their video.

Finally, the Timer feature allows users to set a timer to countdown before they start recording. This gives the user the chance to film hands-free.

Start making your Instagram Reels!

8mm filmrolls
Photographer: Denise Jans | Source: Unsplash

Instagram Reels can be filmed all at once, by selecting videos from the phone gallery or in increments. Using short clips from your gallery can work, but you can record clips and continue after the first clip is complete.

Just record the first clip, and an indicator will appear after the record button is stopped showing how much of your reel is used. Simply start recording again and it will add the clips together.

Will It Replace TikTok?

With countries like India, Australia and the United States planning or starting to ban TikTok. Instagram has made a smart move by bringing our Instagram Reels.

If the U.S decides to ban the platform, then Instagram will be the biggest runner-up platform to go to. Especially with all the influencers that are on TikTok, their following is most likely on Instagram already.

So it might be an easy transition.

But, if TikTok remains, I don't think Instagram can top the Chinese owned company. Instagram already has so much to consume (Photos, Stories, Boomerangs, Shops, etc.), having this new feature might be overwhelming.

tiktok instagram reels facebook trends features