Make Your Mark in 2020

News 2 min read

Just because 2020 has been a challenging year, that doesn’t mean you should let it pass by.

make you mark in 2020

Wow, how is it November already? This year has had its ups and downs and has been challenging for individuals, families and businesses. I know that you might want 2020 to be done and dusted; however, with two months to go, we can still make this strange year the best version possible.

2020 has been a year of change, and if those changes haven't felt welcome, try reframing what feels lost or broken. For instance, this may not be your year for making money, but it may have been a year filled with quality family time, much-needed rest, or maybe even a burst in your creativity. Look at the negatives as positives; you may not have had these opportunities if 2020 didn’t exactly unfold as it has.

Progress is better than standing still, and 2020 has yet brought a unique set of opportunities, what hidden gems have this year got for you?

Make some changes before 2020 ends:

A 2009 study published in the European Journal of Social Psychology, stated it takes a person 18 to 254 days to form a new habit. Also that on average it takes 66 days for a new behaviour to become automatic. These stats mean that Covid-19 has caused changes in our routine and developed some good and bad habits.

So with two months to go till 2020 comes to an end, I want you to take a minute to answer the following questions inspired by life coach, Susie Moore:

  1. What do I want to quit?
  2. What do I want to keep?
  3. What do I want to add?

When thinking about the answers to these questions, think about unhealthy habits, you may have formed that you want to get rid of in 2020. Reflect on the positive changes you want to keep that have come from the pandemic. Finally, think about what is missing, maybe something that could benefit you for the rest of the year.

Focus on what you have control over:

We all can sometimes feel like we don’t have control over the situations going on around us, especially this year. Unfortunately, there are things we don’t have control over, like when the borders will open, and we could see our family. The only way you can make yourself happy is by controlling your thoughts and where you put your attention.

Susie Moore suggests the best way to do this is with regular news and social media breaks. These breaks can allow you to focus on what you have control over, such as; your efforts, actions and how you spend your time.

Give yourself a deadline:

Deadline-setters get the results. What is a time-bound goal you can set right now? Maybe as of now, you will reach out to a friend or family member every day. Or as of tomorrow, you'll aim to work out at least three times a week. Following through on tasks we set are proven to boost self-esteem, and now is the perfect time to rely and lean on yourself.

Taking part in these exercises is a simple but effective way to help direct your future. This is important because you may not feel like you have had a chance to succeed yet in 2020. Although, there is still time to make your mark, and make your memories of 2020 filled with positive attitudes and moments.