Social Media Management In A Nutshell

Business News 3 min read

Digital marketing is ever-growing and businesses are all doing it. But, is their social media management on point? Let's talk about the importance of managing your social media and how to get ahead of the social media post slump.

Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Google social media icons. /NordWood social media management
Photographer: NordWood Themes | Source: Unsplash

How to Accomplish Social Media Management?

The first thing is an obvious one. Create accounts on the best social media platforms for your business. Don't just make accounts for all the platforms under the sun. Start with at least 3 of The Big 6 (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube and Pinterest).

Most companies will operate on their own social media accounts. Which is great but, sometimes those companies aren't doing enough to gain that exposure all businesses desire.

One option would be to hire a Marketing Manager to do all the work. Marketing Managers are professionals, so this is a safe way to get everything up and running. This would be recommended if you are struggling to grasp social media management. Another option is to try it out yourself.

So let's get into the ins and outs of social media management!

Relay runner
Photographer: Braden Collum | Source: Unsplash

The Basics

Create a digital strategy. You'll need a plan of action so that you have a basic structure on what to post. Look into your brand & target audience. Your brand will help form your posts. A well thought out brand will:

  • Address a message clearly
  • Connect with the audience
  • Motivate the viewer to purchase your product/service.
  • Along other aspects.

Targeting your posts to a specific audience will also shape your social media and brand in the direction you want. Designing posts for a certain age range or interest will narrow it down.

Photographer: Kristina Tripkovic | Source: Unsplash

Time to post!

Alright, so now your brand and target audience is established, start planning your posts. The social media management process begins. Ask yourself these questions:

  1. What will you post?
  2. How often should we post?
  3. When is the best time to post?

Once you have answered these questions, start posting.

Tell Me More...

Stylising your posts will in-time create an overall style and feeling to your social media. Choosing a certain colour or filter to your posts will make people look twice at your business. Because a business that is organised on social media means they're business is organised too.

DÔEN is a great example of creating an overall theme to their Instagram. DÔEN is a female vintage fashion company that aim to support women in all aspects of an organisation. Using warm colours, vintage filters and women really encapsulates their message and brand.

Doen Instagram | @shopdoen

Social Media Management can only sometimes take a business to a certain point. Exposure of a brand can be tough for small, upcoming businesses. So that is what ads are for.

Facebook Ads

Facebook allows businesses to post ads to a specific audience (Gender, Age Range, Location, Etc.) and a budget. So, that means businesses can choose how much they wish to spend within a certain time frame to the people they wish to target.

Perfect for all company sizes.

SEO, search engine optimisation, social media management
Photographer: Webaroo | Source: Unsplash


At the same time, Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) can also help gain exposure. Now, SEO is always tricky. But if done correctly, it can really help out with impressions and engagement with posts.

Adding keywords to your account bio, using hashtags on posts, tagging locations and other accounts all help with SEO. But, Neil Patel explains it in further detail.

Any Extras for Social Media Management?

Making everything easier. There are so many tools that can help with posting, scheduling and analysing posts. Hootsuite, TweetDeck and Facebook Analytics just to name a few.

social media Marketing digital marketing organise organisation brand