What Does A Digital Strategist Do?

Business 1 min read

The definition of what a digital strategist does has changed during the last decade and will continue to change.. We are going to look at the responsibilities of this profession as it stands. Quora defines a Digital Strategist as a person which identifies unmet needs, goals, opportunities and challenges of all departments and aspects of the business and finds a solution through a digital scope. But, this definition doesn't completely answer the question. Our interpretation of a digital strategist would include, the responsibilities for finding and planning new channels and platforms for a business to market on. Alongside, looking into new technologies that could improve any practices within the business.

A person playing chess to portray a digital strategist making a measured move.
A Strategist making a chess move.

A Digital Strategist Isn't Entirely Marketing

It is a common misunderstanding that digital strategies are part of a marketing strategy. Only focussing on the digital side. But, this is not correct. According to TechTarget, a digital strategy is a plan for maximising the business benefits of data assets and technology-focused initiatives. For a digital strategy to succeed, an alliance between the executives, marketing and IT teams must form. Basically, a Digital Strategist looks into applying new technologies into a business or business activity. Moreover, they can enable fresh digital capabilities within a business resulting in the business applying those technologies for marketing use.

Multiple chess pieces against one to symbolise, Digital Strategy vs. Marketing
Digital Strategy vs. Marketing

Why A Digital Strategist Is Needed

Companies are implementing new technologies for marketing purposes. Businesses can gain a huge competitive advantage by introducing new digital strategies. The result of a digital strategy can open up a business' potential. Pyxl went through in detail a few reasons on why a digital strategist is needed:

  • Discovering new platforms and channels that were missed.
  • Reach almost everyone.
  • Potential for more leads.
  • Competitive Advantage
  • Prepared for future opportunities.


Pederson, J. (2011). What's the role of a digital strategist? Retrieved from https://www.quora.com/Whats-the-role-of-a-digital-strategist

Pyxl. (2018). Seven Reasons Why You Need a Digital Strategy. Retrieved from https://pyxl.com/articles/seven-reasons-why-you-need-a-digital-strategy/

Raw Pixel. (2018). Chess, piece, play and game HD photo by rawpixel (@rawpixel). Retrieved from https://unsplash.com/photos/dv0gvXGPPKk

Rouse, M. (2015). Digital Strategy (Digital Media Strategy). Retrieved from https://searchcio.techtarget.com/definition/digital-strategy

Spiske, M. (2008). Orange and and Brown Chess Pieces. Retrieved from https://www.pexels.com/photo/orange-and-and-brown-chess-pieces-1679618/

business strategy digital strategy digital strategist